Water Wealth
Your Sustainable Landscaping Partner
Water Wealth your sustainable landscaping partner, driving innovation and efficiency to nurture green living. We are committed to transforming landscapes into vibrant, eco-friendly spaces.
We are a leading Saudi based company offering efficient & innovative solutions for sustainable interior & exterior landscaping, enhancing our “Green Living” way of life one step at a time.
Bringing the sensation of nature into your living space through design, we constantly strive to unveil creative methods & pioneering solutions which are: Eco-friendly, distinctive & easy to maintain.
Our Vison, Missions and Values
  • Enhance Quality of Life and encourage KSA’s residents for “Green Living”
  • Develop a hub of botanical expertise & trigger new local chain of production “Made in Saudi”
  • Support the reduction of carbon footprint in cities through sustainable botanical solutions
  • Support companies & Governmental institutions to achieve Environmental Social & Governance Goals (ESG framework)
  • Positive: Our spirit and outlook motivates others
  • Passionate: We are emotionally invested in what we do
  • Transparent: We encourage authenticity in our relationships
  • Dedicated: We demonstrate grit and are partners with purpose
  • Creative: We pursue mastery in our craft and deliver innovative solutions
We Contribute to
  • Increase the percentage of green areas in the Kingdom
  • Increase the per capita share of public spaces and squares to approximatly 4.09 Increase the per
  • Program for urban landscape beautification, city humanization, and city services enhancement
  • Achieve net zero emission by 2060
  • Reduce carbon emission by more than 278 mtpa by 2030
  • Contribute to curring global Methane emission by 30% as part of the Global Methane Pledge by 2030
  • Plant 10 billion trees & rehabilitate 40 million hectares of land over the coming decade
  • Plant 450 million trees and rehabilitate 8 million hectares of degraded land by 2030
  • Increase the percentage of vegetation cover in all areas of development
  • Implement a flourishing and diverse vegetation cover that promotes environmental sustainability and contributes to quality of life